Welcome to vibn

Your AI
Your Data,
Your Value.

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The AI-powered search that pays you

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what is vibn

The AI-powered search that pays you


Ask anything from your AIextension while you browseGoogle.


Earn passive income incrypto the more you surf.


Use your earnings to swap to cryptoor upgrade your AI. It’s your data, your choice!


Ask anything from your AI
extension while you browse


Earn passive income in
crypto the more you surf.


Use your earnings to swap to crypto
or upgrade your AI. It’s your data, your choice!

Surf, Earn, Repeat.

Unlock the Future: Earn VIBN and Power the Ecosystem!

Fuel the Vibn Ecosystem by earning VIBN tokens through your valuable data. Exchange these tokens for premium perks within the Vibn platform, including advanced AI features, personalized options, and top-notch customer support.VIBN tokens are the lifeblood of the Vibn Ecosystem, propelling you into a new era of digital empowerment!

our story

Your AI, Your Value

Explore a world where your online journey reaps rewards with Vibn, the cutting-edge AI platform. With web3 security, we seamlessly blend web2 and web3, safeguarding your data while offering valuable insights to businesses.On Vibn, your conversations aren't just words—they're earnings.Earn VIBN tokens as you chat, unlocking premium features or trading them on crypto exchanges. Experience the fusion of smart browsing and rewarding interactions. Join us in revolutionizing the future of AI and the data economy!"

Surf, Earn, Repeat.

Unlock the Future:
Earn VIBN and Power
the Ecosystem!

Fuel the Vibn Ecosystem by earning VIBN tokens through your valuable data. Exchange these tokens for premium perks within the Vibn platform, including advanced AI features, personalized options, and top-notch customer support. VIBN tokens are the lifeblood of the Vibn Ecosystem, propelling you into a new era of digital empowerment!

our story

Your AI, Your Value

Explore a world where your online journey reaps rewards with Vibn,
the cutting-edge AI platform. With web3 security, we seamlessly
blend web2 and web3, safeguarding your data while offering valuable
insights to businesses.

On Vibn, your conversations aren't just words—they're earnings. Earn
VIBN tokens as you chat, unlocking premium features or trading them
on crypto exchanges. Experience the fusion of smart browsing and
rewarding interactions. Join us in revolutionizing the future of AI and
the data economy!"

Join us in reshaping
the future of AI and data

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Join us in reshaping
the future of AI and data

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1. Data Categorization

Vibn uses advanced machine learning algorithms to categorize your anonymized and aggregated data based on various factors like user behavior, search patterns, and interests.

2. Data Packaging

Categorized data is thoughtfully packaged into sets, each designed to provide specific insights—whether it's online shopping patterns or online video content viewing habits.

3. Marketplace Listing

Explore Vibn's dedicated data marketplace where buyers can browse and purchase these anonymized data sets tailored to their needs.

4. Data Sale Transaction

Interested buyers make purchases using VIBN through blockchain-based smart contracts, ensuring a seamless and secure transaction.

5. Data Delivery

Completed transactions lead to secure data delivery, maintaining integrity and ensuring buyers receive their purchased data safely.

6. Proceeds Allocation

After a sale, VIBN proceeds are allocated, with Vibn retaining a predefined percentage (e.g., 10%) for operational costs, platform development, and maintenance.

7. Data Valuation

Vibn assesses the value of your data considering factors such as data type, user behavior rarity, marketplace demand, and overall data volume contributed. Discover the power and worth of your data on Vibn!

How it works

Unlocking Value from Your AI Data on Vibn

Vibn's anonymized and aggregated data, collected through its unique platform, holds significant value to an array of organizations, including businesses, market researchers, academic researchers, and more. Here's an elaborated process of the data sale:

Ready to start earning?

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See where we’re going

Vibn Dash

Simplify searches with our intuitive tool, generating prompts effortlessly. Accessible to creators and content generators, seamlessly login with Metamask.

AI Follow

Enhance your Google searches with our web extension. Hybrid Search allows you to use your preferred search engine while auto-generating responses for a superior search experience.


Link your searches, habits, and insights with Vibn Dash using AI Follow. This creates a dynamic internet experience by automatically deploying additional content and research with just one click.


Through the Merge connection, your data becomes feature-rich and beneficial for customer profiling (anonymously). Share this block of data with consent on third-party marketplaces, contributing to improved datasets for various companies. The best part? You get paid for being a valuable contributor to the Internet economy—Web3.0 in action!


VIBN Token distribution

Token Burn and Monetization Transition

Vibn employs a token burn mechanism until it hits its 200,000 user goal and commences data sales. This process significantly reduces the initial token supply, aiming to preserve or even boost the remaining tokens' value.

Monetization Launch

Upon entering the data-selling phase and generating revenue, the token burn stops. Users are then rewarded with VT based on the proceeds from data sales, aligning with the revenue distribution model.This burn strategy effectively maintains token value and encourages user engagement throughout Vibn's growth. As Vibn achieves its user target and initiates data monetization, a seamless transition to the primary monetization model ensures the platform's token economy evolves smoothly.

single platform

Multiple AI Models

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